digital selves is a live coder and experimental musician. Their work melds ominous rave synths, wild arpeggios, and spiralling granular electronics, revealing playful and imaginative sounds that twinkle out of earshot.

			    let   synthPat =  "{~ d4 b4 [c5 b4] [~ b4] < g4 e4 > [< g4 e4 > < a4 g4 >] [~ < a4 g4 >]}%4"
			 	  bassSound =  "[ser2:1, umbass:3]"
			 	  melodyPat =  "{[< c6 e6> < b5 ~>] [< c6 e6> < b5 d6>] [~ < b5 d6>] [~ d5] ~ e5 e5 < e5 [e5 d6]>}%4"
				  mixer = [1, 1, 1, 1] 	
			     d1  $ sometimes (spaceVerb)
				 $ note (synthPat + "<12 -12>") # s "ser:2"
				 |*| gain (mixer!!0)
			     d2  $ whenmod 4 3 (const $ struct "{1 [~ 1] ~ 1}" $s (bassSound) # note"< e4 a4 g4 >"